Cardamom costs weakened by Rs 7. 20 to Rs 752. 50 per kg in futures trade today because of slack demand in the spot market at existing greater levels amid adequate stock availability.
At the Multi Item Exchange, November cardamom declined by Rs 7. 20, or even 0. 95%, to Rs 752. 50 per kg, having a business turnover of 32 lots.
The October contract dropped Rs 5. 20, or 0. 73%, to Rs 709 for each kg in 83 lots.
Analysts said besides subdued need, the adequate stocks position in the physical market mainly resulted in the decline in cardamom futures prices.
At the Multi Item Exchange, November cardamom declined by Rs 7. 20, or even 0. 95%, to Rs 752. 50 per kg, having a business turnover of 32 lots.
The October contract dropped Rs 5. 20, or 0. 73%, to Rs 709 for each kg in 83 lots.
Analysts said besides subdued need, the adequate stocks position in the physical market mainly resulted in the decline in cardamom futures prices.
Source : Business-Standard