Nearly 2 yrs after it announced its intention to launch a low-cost processing device, the Indian government today demoed Aakash, now the world’s cheapest computing/internet device at $46 (Rs 2, 250). Other inexpensive tablet PC initiatives by private companies include ‘Magnum’ through LACS, a division of the Bangalore-based Devraj group, costing $99. Beetel of the Bharti group priced its ‘Magiq’ pill PC at Rs 9, 999 ($200) while Reliance Communications’ Dependence 3G Tab costs Rs 12, 999 ($265). Aakash, launched by communications also it minister Kapil Sibal today, is designed, developed and produced by DataWind, in partnership with IIT Rajasthan, under the actual HRD ministry’s Mission on Education Through Information and Conversation Technology (NME-ICT).
The government is buying 100, 000 pills from DataWind at an all-inclusive price of $46 (Rs two, 250) a unit. However, under NME-ICT, the target cost for 10 million units is Rs 1, 750 ($35) the unit. DataWind eventually plans to bring it down in order to $10 (around Rs 500) a unit.
The Aakash is really a seven-inch Android 2. 2 touch screen tablet that comes with an HD video co-processor for a multimedia experience and primary graphics accelerator for faster application support, as also DataWind’s UbiSurfer internet browser. The device includes Wi-Fi connectivity and support for optionally available 3G modems. Two full-sized USB ports are integrated to the unit allowing pen-drives, external keyboards, webcams, dongles and other inexpensive peripherals to become attached, according to DataWind CEO Suneet Singh Tuli. DataWind can also be offering a leather keyboard case with the package.
The pilot project to try the device on the field will be done through distributing 3, 300 devices in each state to post-secondary college students. The state coordinators will be identified and field-testing on check-listed parameters is going to be done. Based on the feedback after 45 days, regions of improvement and innovation will be pondered over and modifications brought accordingly.
Although the Aakash tablet will be available and then post-secondary students through NME-ICT, DataWind will offer a industrial version called UbiSlate in late November for Rs two, 999 (inclusive of all duties and taxes). That product includes a cellular modem, allowing it to deliver web access anywhere there's cellular connectivity, and also to function as a cell phone. Internet access across mobile networks will be priced at Rs 99 for just two GB.
Sibal said the government was "also doing bulk handles the National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Kerala". "The ministry can also be seeking collaboration with content developers to create world-class content material. The move will bridge the gap and bring use of the marginalised and people having limited access to assets, " said Sibal. He said the government was along the way of drafting a legislation for that — the Electronic Configuration Bill — to become tabled in Parliament in the coming Winter session.
Whilst low-cost computing initiatives are welcome, analysts say, history reveals they've quickly run out of steam. In May 2005, a good Indian technology firm Encore Software announced a Rs 10, 000 Linux-based cellular computer. Christened Mobilis, it was powered by an Intel processor chip, had 128 MB of SDRAM, featured a 7. 4-inch LCD display, roll-up keyboard, touch screen with stylus input, six-hour battery life along with a case that opened up as a desktop stand. “This marks India’s leap to the future of PC technology…, ” said Kapil Sibal who had been then minister for science and technology. Not much may be heard of the Mobilis since.
And does anyone keep in mind the Simputer — the handheld low-cost computing device launched by Encore (along with PicoPeta)? Over the last 8 years, the Simputer has been used by the government authorities of Karnataka and Chattisgarh and for automobile engine diagnostics (M&M), as well as tracking of iron-ore movement (Dempo), and (in some cases) through the police to track traffic offenders and issue traffic seats.
Low-cost computing devices could effectively, and eventually, bridge the actual “digital divide”. Analysts, however, caution while the move from the government to introduce the $35 computing device is great, what is needed is a strategy to mass market the unit. Besides, the country needs adequate internet (broadband) penetration to create such models a success. The success of a processing model, add analysts, revolves around a friendly operating program (OS), an application-ready device, and a robust distribution design.
Perhaps, the first real answer to the challenge of low-cost processing for kids was the XO (which runs open-source Linux) from Nicholas Negroponte — founder from the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project. The original focus on cost was $100 (about Rs 4, 600), but this escalated (including shipping costs) because of design upgrades (more memory and a faster microprocessor) and since the production volumes would not enjoy economies of scale. OLPC offers sold two million XO units in 40 countries until date.
The government is buying 100, 000 pills from DataWind at an all-inclusive price of $46 (Rs two, 250) a unit. However, under NME-ICT, the target cost for 10 million units is Rs 1, 750 ($35) the unit. DataWind eventually plans to bring it down in order to $10 (around Rs 500) a unit.
The Aakash is really a seven-inch Android 2. 2 touch screen tablet that comes with an HD video co-processor for a multimedia experience and primary graphics accelerator for faster application support, as also DataWind’s UbiSurfer internet browser. The device includes Wi-Fi connectivity and support for optionally available 3G modems. Two full-sized USB ports are integrated to the unit allowing pen-drives, external keyboards, webcams, dongles and other inexpensive peripherals to become attached, according to DataWind CEO Suneet Singh Tuli. DataWind can also be offering a leather keyboard case with the package.
The pilot project to try the device on the field will be done through distributing 3, 300 devices in each state to post-secondary college students. The state coordinators will be identified and field-testing on check-listed parameters is going to be done. Based on the feedback after 45 days, regions of improvement and innovation will be pondered over and modifications brought accordingly.
Although the Aakash tablet will be available and then post-secondary students through NME-ICT, DataWind will offer a industrial version called UbiSlate in late November for Rs two, 999 (inclusive of all duties and taxes). That product includes a cellular modem, allowing it to deliver web access anywhere there's cellular connectivity, and also to function as a cell phone. Internet access across mobile networks will be priced at Rs 99 for just two GB.
Sibal said the government was "also doing bulk handles the National Institute of Speech and Hearing, Kerala". "The ministry can also be seeking collaboration with content developers to create world-class content material. The move will bridge the gap and bring use of the marginalised and people having limited access to assets, " said Sibal. He said the government was along the way of drafting a legislation for that — the Electronic Configuration Bill — to become tabled in Parliament in the coming Winter session.
Whilst low-cost computing initiatives are welcome, analysts say, history reveals they've quickly run out of steam. In May 2005, a good Indian technology firm Encore Software announced a Rs 10, 000 Linux-based cellular computer. Christened Mobilis, it was powered by an Intel processor chip, had 128 MB of SDRAM, featured a 7. 4-inch LCD display, roll-up keyboard, touch screen with stylus input, six-hour battery life along with a case that opened up as a desktop stand. “This marks India’s leap to the future of PC technology…, ” said Kapil Sibal who had been then minister for science and technology. Not much may be heard of the Mobilis since.
And does anyone keep in mind the Simputer — the handheld low-cost computing device launched by Encore (along with PicoPeta)? Over the last 8 years, the Simputer has been used by the government authorities of Karnataka and Chattisgarh and for automobile engine diagnostics (M&M), as well as tracking of iron-ore movement (Dempo), and (in some cases) through the police to track traffic offenders and issue traffic seats.
Low-cost computing devices could effectively, and eventually, bridge the actual “digital divide”. Analysts, however, caution while the move from the government to introduce the $35 computing device is great, what is needed is a strategy to mass market the unit. Besides, the country needs adequate internet (broadband) penetration to create such models a success. The success of a processing model, add analysts, revolves around a friendly operating program (OS), an application-ready device, and a robust distribution design.
Perhaps, the first real answer to the challenge of low-cost processing for kids was the XO (which runs open-source Linux) from Nicholas Negroponte — founder from the One Laptop Per Child (OLPC) project. The original focus on cost was $100 (about Rs 4, 600), but this escalated (including shipping costs) because of design upgrades (more memory and a faster microprocessor) and since the production volumes would not enjoy economies of scale. OLPC offers sold two million XO units in 40 countries until date.
Source : Business-Standard