Trades between FIIs generated a amount of Rs 66 crore on the BSE Monday-an increase associated with 45. 55% from Rs 46 crore clocked on Fri. As many as six stocks witnessed trades of 13 lakh gives on Monday.
Grasim Industires was traded at highest high quality of 4. 79% on the BSE with 6, 871 gives changing hands at Rs 2, 400 as against the location price of Rs 2, 290. 25.
IndusInd Bank had been traded at second highest premium of 4. 13% about the BSE with 8. 79 lakh shares changing hands at Rs 265 as from the spot of Rs 254. 50.
Punjab National Bank had been traded at discount of 0. 14% on the BSE along with 31, 182 shares changing hands at Rs 935 as from the spot of Rs 936. 30.
Grasim Industires was traded at highest high quality of 4. 79% on the BSE with 6, 871 gives changing hands at Rs 2, 400 as against the location price of Rs 2, 290. 25.
IndusInd Bank had been traded at second highest premium of 4. 13% about the BSE with 8. 79 lakh shares changing hands at Rs 265 as from the spot of Rs 254. 50.
Punjab National Bank had been traded at discount of 0. 14% on the BSE along with 31, 182 shares changing hands at Rs 935 as from the spot of Rs 936. 30.
Source : Business-Standard