Art of turning smallest ideas into life-changing products - Steve Jobs

It is a well-worn cliche to speak of the end of a period when someone well known has passed away.

Today, nevertheless, it does feel like something has changed forever on the planet of tech.

The brilliance and clarity of vision, the actual courage of conviction, the fiery intolerance for imperfection.

I truly don't see another individual impacting technology in anywhere close to the same way, in our era, as Steven Paul Work did.

He wasn't just the guy who made the actual world's coolest gadgets. Oh, well, that too. I have no idea of any other company for whose products buyers line up for three days, ahead of launch.

Steve Work created markets and product categories. He changed how all of us consume information and entertainment. He redefined leadership.

I can't think of another person whom I've been so proud to have merely met, once, for a couple of minutes, or sat through as many as two of their 'oh, and one more thing' launches.

When he pulled that first iPod from his jeans pocket, we all stood up, and WE didn't even notice when my new notebook slid through my lap and cracked its display. It was a small price to pay to take part in a piece of history, to experience the famous Work near-field distortion.

"The Force is strong with him, inch an elderly, pony-tailed journo sitting next to me stated, perhaps to console me.

There's so much about Steve Jobs that marks him out of the many tech visionaries that dot Silicon Valley and all of those other world.

His never-say-die reinvention of himself and the businesses he started, repeatedly turning adversity into advantage, described the majority of famously in his Stanford address.

His candour about shamelessly stealing the very best ideas he came across, and then turning them in to life-changing gadgets.

His violent intolerance for 'good enough', producing life hell for his design and execution teams, however turning out extraordinary products.

Can you think of someone else who would have had the vision to take his company into uncharted waters just like a mobile phone with no keypad, which no market investigation had showed any demand for, and then change the planet with that?

Or who'd have the courage to wager upon and live with one, just one, model to defend myself against the world's phone vendors... and then to edge all of them out, with the world's most brilliant, and most profitable smartphone?

Or have the vision and execution to back great design using the amazing apps and accessories ecosystem that led to the re-invention from the tablet?

This is a eulogy from a non-fanboy, and even something of an Apple critic. Though my first pc was an Apple IIc and my home is these days dotted with iPads and iPods, I am no enthusiast of Apple's closed-garden approach, its secrecy and indeed it's arrogance, or its historical lack of interest in Indian.

I know that all of these largely derive through Steve Jobs, despite his old ties with India, which famously made a large impression on him as he backpacked through it (or when he went for his meals to some Hare Krishna temple in California).

But we lived with everything that, and still bought Apple products. The secrecy as well as arrogance were an inseparable, even necessary part of the actual picture of Steve Jobs and Apple, especially if you pass results: stunning, life-changing lifestyle devices.

With every chapter which ends, there is a new beginning.

Of course the planet, and Apple, will produce more outstanding, life-changing products. However yes, something has changed in the world of technology today, leaving (for Star Wars fans) not just the disturbance, but also a major discontinuity, in the Pressure.