Flood Commission - Better Communication, Flood Mitigation needed

North Pine Dam, northwest of Brisbane, poses a greater flooding menace to densely populated areas than the Wivenhoe and Somerset dams, Queensland’s flood commission of inquest was told carry on week.

North Pine Residents’ Association President Peter Hackney told the inquest locals spoken relate to in February to the authority scheming the dams, Seqwater.

The area precisely downstream from the North Pine Dam is a densely complete urban area.

But Seqwater representative told residents by the side of a first acquaintance in February with the aim of North Pine Dam has “little in the way of flood improvement capacity”.

Dr Hackney says the officials told residents Seqwater is obliged to keep the stream level of the dam very close to the top, and it wasn’t something with the aim of may well be misused.

The residents were advised to take the circulation up with the commission of inquest.

Somerset Regional Council Operations Manager Anthony Jacobs told the inquest a better and more efficient way to communicate the dangers of flood is desired.

He says the current method – dam force pass on the cautioning to the ruling body and after that the ruling body passes it on to residents – is “not the nearly everyone successful way”.

“I think near needs to be a organization in place someplace Seqwater can circulation warnings precisely,” Mr Jacobs thought.

The inquest continues this week in Brisbane.