Change Careers : Your New Life Path in 5 Easy Steps

I have no idea when it happened. Not exactly, anyway. What I remember is waking up one rainy March day and realizing which i wanted to change careers. It was as though my thoughts and feelings through the years had culminated into an epiphany, and I knew it had been time for my life to switch gears.

The job I'd once tolerated was now intolerable. During the course of a couple of months, my job had reached a dead end. I was not feeling intellectually stimulated, the worked lacked challenge, my coworkers (while great people to talk to) had been getting increasingly lazy and I started feeling mildly stressed out every morning when I realized that I had to visit my job.

So I took a step back and tried my better to objectively evaluate my job. Was this a career which i wanted to continue to pursue? Could I see myself doing this kind of work 10 or 15 years down the road? Had been I satisfied? The answer to all of these queries was a resounding "No! "

I had taken the task solely for financial reasons, and now the faults during my plan were beginning to show. That said, I didn't wish to just abandon my job without thinking things through, and so i did what I do best - I made a listing and devised a plan of attack. My ultimate objective? To seek and find career happiness. So what had been on my career plan list?

1. What do I like?
First and foremost, I wanted to find a career which i loved. I was seeking a career that I might be passionate about and could tackle every day with excitement. I made a list of my interests and objectively looked over each one for career and earning potential. Yes, I like singing in the shower, but would someone pay me for your? That would be a huge "no. " So, traversing singing off my list, I moved on to my personal other hobbies. I knew that writing could become the paying gig, and it was a hobby that I possibly could get excited about every day, so writing became among my viable career options. That said, I do still plan on trying my hand at additional hobbies for extra income!

2. What do I don't like?
There are some jobs that you know are away limits. The trick to this tip is figuring out why some jobs will be considered off limits to you. For example, if you like dance but hate exercise, choreographer would be a far better fit than ballerina. Or you may hate the considered being an accountant because of an aversion to mathematics or finance. If that's the case, you'll know to think twice before taking on a career that involves lots of number crunching. Knowing the "why" of your dislikes is definitely an important part of discovering the perfect career for you as well as your future.

3. What will the new career pay? How much do you really need?
So, by now you have a general idea from the types of careers that interest you. Now you need to zero in on which kind of work, specifically, you want to do and figure out if it's financially feasible. Take into account your monthly budget, how much income your household will need and whether you can be flexible with your lifestyle. In additional words, if you absolutely love a low paying profession, figure out a way to live more frugally. Help to make your dream happen, even if it means living a little leaner than you were before. Trust me, your happiness may be worth it!

Also, keep in mind that some careers take some time to get going. If you dream of being the trend-setting blogger, know upfront that it can take a while for your blog to get steam. You likely won't be rolling in dough immediately, so be prepared to take the time to establish and grow your career.

It is also worth researching niches within your selected career. Writing, for example, can encompass a wide variety of earning potential because of the types of writing jobs available. Copywriting, fiction author, weblog writer, ghostwriter - all of these niches pay differently in one another, and involve different types of clients and charge schedules, so it is worth taking a little time to research your options.

4. Take advice with a grain of salt.
In your family and social circle, there are undoubtedly a wide selection of opinions and ideas. Friends, family and even acquaintances might all have thoughts and comments about your future programs. Some comments may be positive and upbeat, some might be on the negative side and some may be unintentionally under supportive. Advice provided out of love and concern is definitely appreciated, but keep in mind that you do not have access to to take the advice given (despite the intention from the advice giver).

Every person in your life has had unique experiences that cause them to their own, individual conclusions about various situations. If individuals are supportive of your new career choice, great! If not really, listen and evaluate their comments. If there is a few sage wisdom there, put the words to good make use of. If it is simply envy or negativity talking, ignore it, and don't look back.

In short, make your personal decisions, and follow your heart. This is your existence, your dreams, and it is up to you to create them happen.

5. Stay passionate, focused, and curious.
Just like anything in life, a big part of staying fascinated is passion, excitement and enthusiasm. Being passionate about your job, focusing on your craft, keeping an open mind with regard to new ideas, and committing to being a lifelong learner are important to maintaining your career enthusiasm.

Talk to other professionals inside your career field, read books, study up on the topic, give talks, take classes, get involved in industry organizations. In short, stay involved in your career and your enthusiasm for this will only grow stronger.

Keep the fire burning, and stay positive - with a lot of focus and lots of dedication, your career dreams can come true!