The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) said on Monday that the crisis emanating from downgrade of U.S. sovereign debt have a limited impact in India and highlighted the resilience of the economy of India, amid the global financial crisis.
"As the market's behavior demonstrated on Friday, India is not isolated from this development. It can, however, note that in the worst of the recent global financial crisis, the economy grew by 6.8 percent suggesting a high resistance that arise from internal factors, "RBI said in a statement.
"Although the risks of slower growth could have increased due to world events, is likely to have limited impact," the apex bank.
The fall in international markets continued Monday after the top credit rating agency Standard and Poor downgraded the rating of U.S. sovereign debt last Friday and warned of a further downgrade if the country's fiscal position improved.
The news triggered a sell-off panic in stock markets around the world.
"The downgrade has increased the concern of the continued instability in global financial markets, as investors re-allocate portfolios in response to the perception of greater risk arising from both events," said the producer.
"The political and regulatory framework must anticipate and be prepared to respond to the turbulent financial market conditions arising from external events," he said.
The central bank also said it had enough foreign reserves to meet any increase in capital outflows. (IANS)
"As the market's behavior demonstrated on Friday, India is not isolated from this development. It can, however, note that in the worst of the recent global financial crisis, the economy grew by 6.8 percent suggesting a high resistance that arise from internal factors, "RBI said in a statement.
"Although the risks of slower growth could have increased due to world events, is likely to have limited impact," the apex bank.
The fall in international markets continued Monday after the top credit rating agency Standard and Poor downgraded the rating of U.S. sovereign debt last Friday and warned of a further downgrade if the country's fiscal position improved.
The news triggered a sell-off panic in stock markets around the world.
"The downgrade has increased the concern of the continued instability in global financial markets, as investors re-allocate portfolios in response to the perception of greater risk arising from both events," said the producer.
"The political and regulatory framework must anticipate and be prepared to respond to the turbulent financial market conditions arising from external events," he said.
The central bank also said it had enough foreign reserves to meet any increase in capital outflows. (IANS)